
Our superb variety of cherries

Cherries image


Central Otago's climate of cold winters and hot summers is ideal for cherry production. These conditions give sufficient winter chilling for good bud initiation and the heat of summer gives us the high sugars and quality finish expected of top Export fruit.

Sarita cherries are grown under a sustainable eco friendly integrated pest and disease management system called Summergreen. This allows us to supply outlets throughout New Zealand and export to countries around the world. Our main export destinations are China, Vietnam, Taiwan, Singapore, Hong Kong, USA, and Australia. The Japanese market is now open to New Zealand cherry exporters.


Glo Heart: This is Black, firm and crunch medium size with a good strong flavour.

Primavera: A sweet summertime cherry available for Christmas. Bright red with pink melting flesh. Medium size.

Index: Red, semi firm, medium sized very sweet cherry

Samba: This is a very large sweet cherry. Available in limited volumes for Christmas this year.

Rainier: White fleshed large and very sweet. This is a very popular export variety.

Bing: Red black sweet and crunchy. Possibly the worlds best known variety. Size is medium to large.

 Available for New Year most seasons.

Stella: Dark red and sweet This attractive heart shaped fruit is available in early January.

Lapins:  Large sweet fruit deep red in colour. Our most requested mid season variety.

Selah: Also called Liberty Bell in the USA. A mid season variety which has very large crunchy fruit. 

Kordia: This new variety dark red cherry is distinctively firm and crunchy, medium sized and has a very sweet full flavour.

Sylvia: Another new variety. Dark red semi firm large and very sweet.

Sweetheart  Large crunchy red fruit with dark red sweet flesh. This is becoming our districts major export variety.

Staccato - Large very crunchy red black cherry with sweet burgundy flesh. This is a late season variety.son.

Approximate Harvest Dates:

Early December

Mid December

Late December

Early January

Mid January

Late January

Glo Heart











